Business Name Is The Backbone of Business Success !
Business Nameology is a science of providing Numerological Balanced Company Names, Large/Small Business Names, Website Domains, Product/Brand Names etc.
All the partners/directors will have different Names, Date of Births and Times, I work on each one’s details to ensure that the Business Name, it’s Registration Date and the Time is suitable to all.
Trace back history – Many companies became famous only after changing their Business Names and the associated vibrations!!
World did not know BackRub till it became Google, Accenture erstwhile Andersen Consulting, Lucky Goldstar became LG, Brad’s Drink to Pepsi-Cola, Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo K.K. became Sony, Jerry’s Guide to the World Wide Web name changed to Yahoo, Qwikster became Netflix.
It’s not only the letters in name that matters, the energies and vibrations it conveys also affects the destiny. Toyoda was changed to Toyota, though same Name Number 24 but better Vibrations.