If the Time is to Invest or to Disinvest?
Right Venture for You?
Most Balanced Business Name
Nature, Strengths, Weakness of People Working with You
Best Date to Start a Business or Launch a Product

Harmony Between Your Business Name, Personal Name & Date of Birth Determines Business Success!

Being pulled in different directions? Struggling to make the right decisions? In business, we are all faced with decisions and making the right one can be tough…

Is it a time to Invest or Disinvest?

Right Business, Venture, Product?

Best Name for
Your Business?

Best Date to Start a Business or Launch a Product?

Why does a particular situation keep re-occurring?

Facing high

Are you working with right people, their strengths & weaknesses ?

Understanding of people you work with, their strengths/weaknesses, their luck factor, your relationship with them in short and long term is important for the business success.

All the partners will have different Names, Date of Births and Times, I work on everyone’s details to ensure that the Business Name, it’s Registration Date and the Time is suitable to all.

This is done with the help of Numerology, Astrology and the results are then checked with the help of Horary Astrology.

Small Change Can Make A Big Difference !

Business Names, Domain/Website Names, Visiting Cards, Logos, Property Names and numbers, Telephone Numbers are the first way for people to contact or perhaps work with your company.

Numerology can help you to understand the impact of these names and numbers and how a small change in can result in business improvements.


If you are not getting desired results in Business, Business Consultation can help to remove many of the possible blockages and obstacles and generate positive vibrations helping in creating better business destiny.

“Your decision to check the vibrations in your Business Name is an important step toward having The business growth you want ”

My consultations in-depth and encompasses everything you could possibly want to know about yourself and prepare you to make the best possible use of the future times.

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